Would clamshell packaging be a good fit for your product? A thermoformed clamshell package is a shell of rigid plastic that hinges in the middle to enclose a product and graphic insert card. This attractive, secure and easy-to-open packaging solution offers optimal display with either a bi-fold option or tri-fold design for standing on a shelf or sitting on a display.
Clamshells may be the optimal packaging choice for your product when high visibility is a must—they allow your product to be viewed from nearly every angle. Clamshells are highly customizable, easy-to-open and can be permanently sealed. Plus their easy-load, one-piece design makes for easy fulfillment and assembly.
A clamshell is generally designed to nest when stacked so it can help reduce shipping and storage volume. There are several thermoplastic polymers available for clamshells—thickness generally ranges from 0.0075 inches (0.19 mm) to 0.040 inches (10.16 mm).
Our easy-open, easy-shut, patent-pending VeriShel® packaging offers optimal display for your product. This tamper-evident, clamshell packaging offers a permanent seal for retail merchandising with an easy-open perforation for the end-user. It is stackable for shipping and storage, 100% recyclable and available in multiple colors and sizes.