The Customer
Globe Marine Products is a US manufacturer of composite components for the boating and marine industry.
The Challenge
Globe Marine Products wanted a package that their retailers would want to display more prominently. They also wanted it to convey the added value of Run-Dry® Impellers while making it convenient for consumers to choose the impeller they needed for their boat from more than 35 different models. Unlike ordinary impellers, Globe’s Run-Dry® Impellers are impregnated with self-lubricating compounds. Globe needed a package that would handle contact with the oil on the surface of their products much better than the poly bags and cartons they were currently using.
The Solution
All About Packaging met with Globe Marine Products and reviewed their criteria and the dimensions of all the impellers Globe wanted to move to new packaging.
Clamshells were chosen to make the impellers visible from nearly every angle, and to handle contact with lubricant. A perimeter snap fit was chosen to make an airtight seal for the Run-Dry® Impellers. However, unlike most clamshell packages, the graphics card was designed to be on the outside of the clamshell to keep it from coming into contact with lubricating compounds.
All About Packaging consolidated the packaging for dozens of shapes and sizes of impellers to help keep tooling and setup costs down. Four clamshells were designed to be produced on the same insertable mold, with the same material. A single header card with SKU-specific information printed on the VeriMax® system works with all four clamshell sizes.
Update 2014: Globe decided to include gaskets and O-rings with their Run-Dry® Impellers. All About Packaging redesigned the header card to hold the gaskets allowing Globe to continue to use the same clamshells. The new header card features a diecut to show the included gaskets and O-rings.